Cody for JetBrains v6.0.25: Fix code faster with the Ask Cody to Fix button

Alex Isken, Justin Dorfman

Cody for JetBrains v6.0.25 is now available! This update brings the new Ask Cody to Fix button plus adds compatibility for JetBrains 2024.2 versions.

Ask Cody to Fix

Cody now makes it faster to go from seeing an error in your IDE to implementing a fix.

When you view an error, Cody will present a new button: Ask Cody to Fix. Click it to prompt Cody to review the issue and suggest a fix. You can then view the diff of changes and accept or undo the change.

The Ask Cody to Fix button is available today on Mac and coming soon to Windows.

Compatibility for JetBrains 2024.2 versions

Earlier this week, new versions of JetBrains IDEs began rolling out including IntelliJ 2024.2 and GoLand 2024.2. This update makes the Cody plugin compatible with these 2024.2 versions, so we recommend upgrading Cody when you upgrade your JetBrains IDE.


See the changelog and GitHub releases for a complete list of changes.

Thank you

Cody wouldn’t be what it is without our amazing contributors 💖 A big thank you to everyone who contributed, filed issues, and sent us feedback.

As always, we value your feedback in our support forum and on Discord. Happy Codying!

To get started with Cody, install it from the JetBrains Marketplace.

Get Cody, the AI coding assistant

Cody makes it easy to write, fix, and maintain code.